
Open Joint Stock Company

AFPC «Zhlobin Meat Processing Plant»


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The construction of a meat processing plant in the city of Zhlobin was envisaged by the feasibility study for the development and placement of the meat industry of the Byelorussian SSR for 1971-75 with a perspective up to 1980.

According to the design assignment, the capacity of the meat processing plant was:

  • meat production - 127 tons/shift;
  • sausage production - 15 tons/shift;
  • refrigerator with a capacity of 4000 tons of one-time storage.

1975 year

Start-up of the compressor shop with a refrigerator.

1976 year

Launch of the meat and fat building.

1977 year

Launch of the meat processing plant.

By order of July 29, 1977 No. 107-org of the Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry of Moscow, the act of June 30, 1977 of the State Commission on the acceptance into operation of a meat-packing plant in the city of Zhlobin, Gomel Region, Byelorussian SSR, with a capacity of 120 tons of meat, 15 tons of sausages per shift with a refrigerator with a capacity of 4.4 thousand tons of one-time storage was approved.

1980 year

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry, the meat processing plant was approved as a base enterprise for the implementation of new equipment and technological developments.

From 1980 to 1992 year

The meat processing plant has undergone technical re-equipment of its pig processing lines, which has increased its meat production capacity to 127.5 tons/shift; four German-made ammonia units have been installed to improve the enterprise's refrigeration supply. The refrigerator has been partially reconstructed, with the cooling, freezing and storage chambers divided into smaller volumes and a new air distribution method introduced. In sausage production, the production of dry-cured sausages and smoked products has been launched using new equipment at that time, in particular, massagers, a multi-needle syringe cutter, a mince mixer made in Austria; a set of Italian-made equipment for the production of dry-cured sausages has been introduced.

1994 year

The decision of the plant management was made to technically re-equip the meat processing building. As a result of the work done, 3 thermal chambers of the Intermik company, 3 ice generators, 2 massagers, 2 Coopers with a capacity of 330 liters, a vacuum mince mixer, a skinning machine, a lard cutter, a syringe for the production of sausages were installed, new refrigeration units were introduced to ensure the specified temperature and humidity conditions in the chambers, sausage shop expeditions, a quick-freezing unit for freezing offal and meat of the required weight.

All subsequent years became a time of intensive work on technical re-equipment, increasing the capacity for processing products. Only in the period from 2003 to 2005, 9.3 billion rubles were spent on technical re-equipment. The work continues to this day. 12 universal thermal chambers of the company "Intermik" (Poland) with smoke generators and automatic washing were installed. New vacuum cutters, syringes, clippers were installed in the machine room. Chambers for maturing, drying of dry-cured sausages with maintenance of a given microclimate in automatic mode were equipped. A line for the production of pelmeni using Italian technology was purchased and installed. A line for packaging semi-finished products under vacuum and in a gas environment was introduced, which allowed to extend the shelf life of products, improve the culture of production and improve the quality.

1997 year

Zhlobin Meat Processing Plant is an open joint-stock company with a state-owned share of 39.7 percent.

December 2004 year

The open joint-stock company "Agrarian and financial industrial company "Zhlobin meat-packing plant" was registered, which includes the following branches: "Feed mill", agricultural production cooperative "Steps", branded trade.

Today, JSC "AFPK "Zhlobinsky Meat-Processing Plant" has sufficient capacity, is equipped with complex technological high-performance equipment, using automation and computerization, which almost completely eliminates the possibility of technological deviations in the production process and guarantees stable product quality in order to maintain a high brand of products and their competitiveness.

The main activity of the enterprise is the primary processing of livestock, the production of sausages, semi-finished meat products, dumplings, canned goods, their sale in accordance with the plan and concluded contracts.

The enterprise includes:

  • a meat and fat processing plant for the production of 70 tons of beef and 57 tons of pork per shift,
  • meat processing plant with a capacity of 15 tons for the production of sausages and meat products,
  • refrigerator with a one-time storage capacity of 4000 tons;

The company produces more than 300 types of products with high taste qualities and reasonable prices. The range of products manufactured at the company is regularly updated.

The company's specialists constantly study consumer requirements for product quality and strive to satisfy them as much as possible, working in the following areas:

  • reducing the calorie content of sausages by reducing the proportion of fat and increasing the proportion of protein;
  • expansion of production of products with long shelf lives;
  • creation of products with different tastes, different shapes, sprinkled with decorative spices.

To solve these problems, the following technologies have been introduced into production at the enterprise:

  • production of products in press molds;
  • production of semi-finished products under vacuum on a thermoforming machine;
  • production of cooked sausages in a five-layer Pentaflex casing, which allowed increasing the shelf life to 60 days.

The company's technologists have long sought to bring the products closer in taste and appearance to those once made by our ancestors. As a result, the efforts of specialists were embodied in products that make up the pride of the company.

It is worth paying attention to the "Domashniy" smoked ham - this is a well-salted, excellently smoked, with a persistent noble smell of smoke, hip part with bone from pork half-carcasses in the skin. The plant has its own signature products - a series of smoked sausages, produced using traditional technology using only pork, beef and spices, the name of which has the prefix po-Zhlobinski.

It is especially necessary to mention one more direction in the work of the Zhlobin Meat Processing Plant - this is the creation of a completely new production of both instant semi-finished products and ready-made meat dishes.

This group of meat products (croquettes, quenelles, lula kebab, hamburgers, nuggets) is the undisputed leader of modern nutrition, as it amazes the imagination with its variety of forms, can be produced in different thermal conditions and in different packaging - on a substrate, vacuum packaging, packed in a gas environment.

The modern market economy places high demands on product quality, and intense competition necessitates that manufacturers confirm their ability to produce products of consistent quality.

One of the most effective means of improving quality and competitiveness is a quality management system based on ISO 9001.

Strict delineation of duties and responsibilities for the work performed, constant improvement and enhancement of production, continuous work with suppliers of raw materials and materials, analysis of the causes of emerging discrepancies, allow for effective management of production. Therefore, JSC "AFPK "Zhlobinsky Meat-Processing Plant" developed and certified in May 2005 a quality management system for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2001.

October 2007 year

The quality management system implemented at the enterprise through integration into the QMS based on the HACCP principles allowed:

  • ensure the production of safe products of stable quality through veterinary, sanitary and hygienic, and technological control at all stages of the product life cycle;
  • strengthen consumer confidence in the quality and safety of manufactured products and improve the company’s image;
  • ensure a systematic analysis of the enterprise's operations by organizing mutual interest with suppliers of raw materials and consumers of finished products.

As a result of systematic work to improve product quality, the detection of non-conforming products during production in 2007 increased threefold compared to 2004. The percentage of product acceptance on first presentation increased by 3.5% compared to 2004 and reached 99.6%.

The absence of complaints from consumers and reports of non-compliance of products with the requirements of regulatory legal acts from regulatory authorities indicate the effectiveness of the quality system at the enterprise.

When talking about the quality of manufactured products, one cannot help but note the important role of standardization, since it is the standards that establish technical requirements for their quality.

The organization and implementation of standardization work at JSC AFPK Zhlobinsky Meat-Processing Plant are aimed at implementing the main task of standardization at the present stage - the creation, development and maintenance in an updated state of the regulatory framework that ensures the development and production of high-quality, safe and ultimately competitive products.

The fund of technical regulatory legal acts under the enterprise’s control contains over 3,000 names of standards and other regulatory documents on standardization, which covers the entire range of products manufactured at the enterprise and allows taking into account the requirements for the products being developed and the course of the technological process, and carrying out incoming inspection of raw materials and materials.

The fund is updated and expanded by purchasing new documents from other developer organizations, as well as from the Belarusian State Institute of Standardization and Certification (BelGISS) and UP BELNIKTIMP.

For the operational management of the fund of technical regulatory legal acts, the information retrieval system "Standard" was purchased.

The issue of heat and energy conservation remains strategically important.

The company has adopted a program for the implementation of the main directions of energy saving and developed measures to reduce consumption and increase the efficiency of the use of fuel and energy resources. The main directions of the program are the reconstruction of production with the replacement of outdated equipment with modern, more efficient and less energy-intensive equipment, which has made it possible to reduce the gas consumption of the company's boiler house in relation to 2003 by 1,454 thousand cubic meters, which is 23%.

In the structure of our enterprise's electricity consumption, the refrigerator and compressor shop consume more than 50% of electricity from the total consumption. In order to stabilize the rate of savings growth, we are carrying out work on thermal rehabilitation of the refrigerator with the replacement of the existing thermal insulation with a modern, more efficient one, replacement of the refrigerator doors, as well as reconstruction of ammonia-refrigeration units.

More than 40 types of the company's products have been awarded medals and diplomas at the Belarusian competitions "Best Product of the Year", "Gust", as well as at Russian exhibitions.

The enterprise has repeatedly won the "100 Best Goods of the Republic of Belarus" diplomas. The Belarusian Society for Consumer Protection has repeatedly awarded the enterprise with a crystal "Grand Prix" for stable quality. The jury of the prestigious food exhibition PODEXPO constantly notes the high quality of the enterprise's products, awarding them with gold medals and diplomas.

2007 year

The company received another high award - the Government Prize for Quality.

2022 year

At the XXIV Republican competition of consumer preferences "PRODUCT OF THE YEAR - 2022" (Minsk), he was awarded a 1st degree diploma in the nomination "Cooked and smoked pork sausages "Cervelat premium".

2023 year

At the XXV Republican competition of consumer preferences “PRODUCT OF THE YEAR – 2023” (Minsk) in the nomination “Beef product minced meat”, the Grand Prix was awarded to the beef product minced meat “Babushkin gostinets” premium dry-cured.

Gold medals at the 30th international exhibition of food, beverages and raw materials for their production PRODEXPO - 2023 (Moscow) for the best product were awarded to: boiled sausage product - Saltison "Domashniy"; canned minced sterilized meat - stewed beef PREMIUM; premium grade minced dry-cured beef product - "Babushkin gostinets".

And in the future, the priority task of JSC AFPK Zhlobinsky Meat-Processing Plant remains the production of high-quality, competitive products that meet the needs and expectations of the consumer and allow it to occupy a leading position in the market.